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Donald Trump Explains Why People Are ‘Leaving’ Rallies Early

Donald Trump downplayed reports of attendees leaving his rallies early, attributing the exits to logistical issues rather than waning interest, during a rally Friday in Walker, Michigan.
“The people that you see leaving—because nobody ever leaves, and when they do, I finish up quick, believe me,” Trump told the crowd. He added that the timing of his rallies often causes complications,
“Sometimes if I’m late, the plane gets delayed. Lots of things happen. There’s a little hurricane in Florida, as you know,” the former president said. He added that some attendees leave after taking photos with him at the end of his events.
Crowd size has been a frequent topic in the run-up to the November election. Questions about the length of Trump’s speeches and attendees leaving early surfaced after Harris took a jab at him during their presidential debate on September 13.
“During his rallies, you’ll hear him talk about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter…. And what you’ll notice is that people start leaving early out of exhaustion and boredom,” Harris said.
After a town hall Tuesday in Flint, Michigan, just days before the Walker rally, Trump once again confronted reports that people had been seen leaving the event. Video clips circulated on social media, including one shared by liberal commentator Ron Filipkowski, showing attendees walking up the stairs and out of the venue while Trump was speaking.
Trump has repeatedly denied that people are leaving, and during the town hall he said: “We do these rallies—they’re massive rallies. Everybody loves—everybody stays until the end, by the way.”
He went on: “If I saw them leaving, I’d say: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, make America great again, now get the hell out.’ Because I don’t want people leaving.”
Trump’s team has supported his remarks, insisting that claims of declining support are baseless. “Nobody is leaving our rallies, while Kamala has to bus in people to hers,” a spokesperson previously told Newsweek.
Both on the debate stage and later at his Michigan rally, Trump has pushed back.
“People don’t leave my rallies. We have the biggest, most incredible rallies in the history of politics,” he insisted during the debate, dismissing Harris’ suggestion that his speeches lack relevance for American voters.
